Official NSRA Fellow Pages
Need assistance on the road? Help is on the way thanks to the NSRA Fellow Pages! Find and the closest helping hand. Members opt in each year to be listed here, sign up as an individual now!
Organizations wishing to have their members’ names listed as a group, under the name of the club or association, should use the Club Sign Up form.
OR… Download the forms here, to fill out and mail in.

It’s that time of year… time for you to put your name and phone number in “the book” so that should a fellow enthusiast be in your neighborhood and need assistance, he or she will have someone to call they know will come to their aid. That’s the way the NSRA Fellow Pages work, and that’s why it works so well… it’s a specialty vehicle enthusiast helping another enthusiast, and that’s a proven, unbeatable formula. As great as the Fellow Pages concept is, however, it only works because so many of you, the caring NSRA members, make it work. If it wasn’t for all of you that offer to have your names and phone numbers published in the Fellow Pages, this wouldn’t be the outstanding program it has become.
Right now is the time to request that your name and phone number be included in the all new, NSRA Fellow Pages. By just offering to be included, even should you never be called on, you will be doing your part to again make this one of the greatest parts of being a specialty motor vehicle enthusiast. Remember, the Fellow Pages is available to current members FREE, but you and other caring enthusiasts like you make it work. NSRA’s part means nothing without you.
So, as we do each January, we are reminding everyone once again that it’s time to send in the information needed to make 2025 another year when specialty vehicle owners everywhere are assured that help is as close as the nearest telephone. For all of you that have been aided through the generosity of your fellow enthusiasts, it’s pay back time. One of the best ways to express your appreciation for help received is to offer the same to another… to be there for the next person that needs the helping hand of a fellow enthusiast. NSRA compiles all new data for a completely new Fellow Pages each year. Every edition is totally new, and we do not pick up any names and phone numbers from the previous year. In this way, only those who care to participate do, and Fellow Pages users are assured they are calling on someone that is willing to help and phone numbers are as current as possible. Even if you have been a regular in the Fellow Pages in the past, to be included in the new, 2025 online edition you must fill out the form again to verify current entries.

As in past years, the all new NSRA Fellow Pages will be more than just a handy reference guide to those that have volunteered their help to a fellow enthusiast in need.